Sunday, April 27, 2008

In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Last night, Linda, the kids and I joined a bunch of the kids' cousins at the Star Wars exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.

The exhibit included props and costumes from the Star Wars movies, as well as interactive stations which demonstrated R2 D2-like robotics, vehicles which use magnetic levitation, the planning and construction of Curasant-like cities, and other advances similar to the futuristic technologies depicted in the Star Wars universe.

Zach's favorite station featured a computer game which was played by placing special cards on a rotating table. Each tile represented a building -- things like power generation stations, or farming machinery, or a shelter. A camara pointed at the table, and rendered the buildings on the monitor, creating a virtual spaceport, or moisture farm community, or Jawa settlement. During the course of the game, the player had to re-align the buildings to maintain the optimal balance between various production, security, and social factors. Very cool game.

Phoebe liked riding the "Air-chair", which floated on a cushion of air (not unlike Luke Skywalker's landspeeder.)

And Ben's highlight was undoubtedly when we bought him a souvenier light saber on the way out of the building.

I was somewhat disappointed by the lack of a Princess Amadala exhibit, which (naturally) would have involved Natalie Portman look-alikes.

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