Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Swimming lesson

As I was watching Phoebe and Ben during their swimming lesson, they seemed to be having an impassioned discussion. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but here is how I imagined their conversation:

Phoebe: Tell me, Benjamin, why is it that Mom and Dad are compelled to have us learn to swim? Is not swimming an inherently dangerous activity?

Ben: Oh, it is! Did you know that Cryptosporidiosis is an extremely contagious parasite that is immune to chlorine-based treatments and requires a specific antibiotic to treat?

Phoebe: People are not made to dwell in the waters, but on the dry land, as God intended.

Ben: Perhaps not. Tom Sietas of Hamburg, Germany holds the records for holding his breath underwater, doing so for 9 minutes and 8 seconds.

Phoebe: This man you speak of, he is no mere human! He is a member of the Merfolk race, that is, humanoids that live underwater. A merfolk has the upper body, arms, and head of a fair-featured human, and instead of legs it has the scaled tail of a great fish.

Ben: Why must you speak of such nonsense? I refuse to listen any longer!

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