Newly minted Green Belt Ben Houser is accepting new clients as he offers his personal protection services to the public.
Specialties include:
- board break
- roundhouse kick
- elbow strike
- triple punch
- hammer fist
Actual protection shall take the form of blocking kicks and punches, as well as performing jumping jacks, crunches, and pushups. Also, the basic forms for staff and nunchuk can be demonstrated upon request.
Our pledge to you is that we will always adhere to the following credes:
Student creed #1: I will develop myself in a positive manner, and avoid anything that will reduce my mental growth and physical health.
Student creed #2: I will use common sense before self-defense and never be abusive or offensive.
More about us:
- Belts achieved include white, yellow, orange, orange stripe, and green.
- Don't try to show me how to improve my technique! I already know how to do it!
- I only like sparring when my opponent is a little bigger than me, not a lot bigger.
- When I'm done, I like to have Gatorade. It has to be Gatorade, not water.
Contact us today for a FREE consultation!
We Will accept payment in the form of milkshakes from Nifty Fifties.